Launch For the Cure

This project was part of a large school project. We had a team of about 25 people (game students, film students, VFX students, and audio students) and we were to do what was needed to raise money for Shirts For a Cure.
Sounds cool. Our team decided that we want to make a simple Angry Bird kind of game, where you shoot shirts out of a cannon to try to get them on people. At that point, I had never taken a programming class and we had only about 3 weeks (a little less) to get it done. I heard about Unity, and we decided to try to make our game with that. Now, I haven't learned much programming, we don't have much time, and we are using an engine that we have never used before. It seemed doomed to fail, but somehow, we pulled it off.
I look back at it now, and some of the things we did were pretty disgusting, but it works. Me, John Mikula, and Colton Carter were in the same team, and we also found that we all lived close by. John and Colton had some past programming experience, and I learned as much about Unity as I could. We worked everyday, even some weekends to get the game done. With what we knew at the time, and how much time we had, I was very impressed with how much we did.
What did I do exactly? Well, since I didn't know much programming, I was able to do the grunt work like adding gui buttons. I also was able to run through the code that we had and find bugs; the logic of code made sense to me, I just didn't understand the language enough to be able to write it at the time. What I did most was figured out the Unity specific things, like how they handled collision, and found out how to restart levels, and the like. Unity Answers and the scripting reference became my best friend during that time.
One cool bug that we had: we had it when the shirt hit the floor, then you could shoot again. With the split shirt, you could shoot when the first split hit the ground and then the second. So one shot could give you 2 shots, which would give you 4, and then 8. It took us a while to track that one down.